Many of the cords that come with electronic things, whether they are phones or computers or audio or video gadgets, are too long; and you have to deal with a massive knotted mess that attracts dust, animals, paper clips and other cords.
The problem annoyed some smart people enough to motivate them to design, patent and produce the simple and efficient Cableyoyo. It's a flat, empty spool around which you wrap your cord. It will hold cords up to 5mm in diameter, and this includes transformers, USB, firewire, and telephone cords.
The problem annoyed some smart people enough to motivate them to design, patent and produce the simple and efficient Cableyoyo. It's a flat, empty spool around which you wrap your cord. It will hold cords up to 5mm in diameter, and this includes transformers, USB, firewire, and telephone cords.
The Cableyoyo is just the right thickness so the cord cannot overlap when coiled. This ensures that you can pack the most cord into the smallest amount of space and still keep it untangled and untwisted when extended. The thin design also means it packs easily into narrow pockets in a laptop case or your pocket for travel, but you can also attach it to a wall or desk or a power transformer or electronic gadget.
Two small internal clasps hold the cord at the right length when you have finished coiling. Unwinding is simple. Put your thumb and index finger in the center and just pull the cord.
Another great feature of Cableyoyo is that it comes with an adhesive spindle. You can stick it almost anywhere and then you can snap the Cableyoyo on and off whenever you need to.You can even stack them "two-up" by attaching the spindle of one Cableyoyo to another Cableyoyo -- a good way to keep your cables together.
- Three color choices: silver, black. white
- Measures about 3-1/8 inches square.
- Holds about six feet of coiled cord.
- Six bucks each
CLICK to order at CordsForPhones.com
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