Anyway, January is the door to the year, and I like January a lot.
Annoying election advertising is a distant memory. Annoying Christmas music is fading fast. Each day we get a few more minutes of daylight. Five PM now comes during the day, not at night. The earth is warming. Spring is coming (even though it's 72 degrees here in Connecticut, and we haven't had any winter yet).
But the best thing about January can be found in chain drugstores like CVS. That's where you can get JuJu Hearts, the magical chewy-gooey red cherry candies I've been addicted to since babyhood. If I close my eyes when I open the package, the sweet aroma transports me to Cherry Blossom Time in Washington DC, or at least to my grandmother's apartment in the Bronx.
When I was a kid, my Grandma Del would buy pounds and pounds from Krum's -- the pre-eminent candy store in the Bronx, or maybe in the world. Some years she even arranged to buy the huge pile of hearts on display in the window, at a special price after Valentine's Day. We grandchildren would get a few pounds in February, and Grandma would stash the rest in her freezer, to be gradually defrosted and doled out throughout the year. (In later years, when Grandma Del moved to Florida, I provided JuJu Hearts for her.)
Krum's was famous for its candies and ice cream sodas, and used to be on the Grand Concourse between 188th Street and Fordham Road. In the front of the store was a huge display case of chocolates and other candies, and farther back you could sit and slurp. The landmark Lowe's Paradise Theater was across the street, and before McDonalds and Taco Bell came to town, teenagers went to Krum's for a post-picture snack.
The Lowe's Paradise has been reincarnated as a mostly-Latino concert venue, Grandma Del and Krum's are long gone, but JuJu Hearts are as good as ever. The price has gone from 15 cents a pound to 99 cents for a 12 ounce bag, but addicts don't care about the cost of their fix. (If you're willing to spend $50, you can get JuJu Hearts for as little as $1.09 per pound from Metro Candy & Nut.)
JuJu Hearts' taste and texture are unique: sweeter and softer than red hot dollars, but not as sweet or slimy as Gummi bears or worms. Strangely, the JuJu Heart formula doesn't seem to be used for anything else, at any other time of year -- not even for JuJubes or Jujyfruits. But that's OK. JuJu Heart season is only a little longer than the bloom of the Cherry Blossom. The rarity makes them more special, and less destructive to teeth and glucose levels... and freezers make it possible to prolong the pleasure.
- The JuJu name apparently comes from the jujube, a red fruit first cultivated in China over 4,000 years ago, that can be used for tea, wine, and throat medication, or eaten as a snack.
- A jujube tree in Israel is estimated to be over 300 years old.
- The jujube's sweet smell is said to make teenagers fall in love, and in the Himalaya mountains, young men put jujube flowers on their hats to attract hot Sherpa babes.
- In West Africa, a Juju refers to the supernatural power ascribed to objects or fetishes. Juju can be synonymous with witchcraft, and may be the origin of the American voodoo.
Special thanks to Philip Heide,
and Roger McEldowney of Mayfair.
Yummy yummy yummy, I have love in my tummy. Thanks for the memories. I didn't realize JuJu hearts were still made. I'll be at CVS as soon as they open.
JuJube NOT good for dogs.
I can't believe the JuJube is so soft. The thing I loved about the original JuJube was its hardness. I also liked its old flavor...Sorry for the change.
I still get them, even though I am disappointed in every bite I take.
We searched and searched this year for any form of Juju hearts. I am glad to learn so much about them, they are my favorite Valentine treat. I did get some in bulk so I don't know the brand name but they had the smaller hearts on the front like you said, I loved them still. I guess I need to find the originals and see how much more I will love them. It's sad that we can't find them any other time of year, I'm glad they are still made though. They are just divine!
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